What is a MAKERSPACE ?

Makerspaces are collaborative learning environments where people come together to share tools, materials, and learn new skills… Makerspaces are not necessarily born out of a specific set of materials or spaces, but rather a mindset of community partnership, collaboration, and creation.



At its core, a Makerspace is a community space where everyone from students, adults, and organizations can come to discover new technologies, learn about them, collaborate with others and turn their ideas into an actual product.

Building Our Tech Knowledge and Skills

One of the core objectives of a Makerspace is to introduce new technologies to everyone from students to corporations. By demonstrating new technology and instructing on how to facilitate their everyday use, Delmarva Makerspace will elevate the core knowledge of of community as a whole. From 3D Printing, laser cutting, woodworking and more, the skills taught today will advance the Shore's tech abilities.

Videos About Makerspaces